Add a new tool

Thanks for adding your tool to our portal. We're excited to help you reach some new members by listing it on this directory.

It's completely free to list your tool, we just ask a couple of things:

  • Add Tool that can be useful for community builders.
  • Your Tool has to have a working version (beta version is also OK). We do not add tools that are in development.
  • No adult sites or adult related content, pornography, vulgarity, escort and related.
  • No unedited AI-generated content.
  • Please contact us via our contact form or email to modify your listing.

If your Tool is not relevant to our criteria, please don't waste your time and ours.

If we receive more than 5 substantiated complaints about the provided information not matching reality, your tool will be removed.

Once you fill this out we'll send you an update when your page is live!

Fields marked with * are required.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach me on X.

General information about your tool ✨

File is required.
Select category

Pricing ✨

Alternatives ✨

Screenshots and videos ✨

You have to upload at least one file