1M members
  • Own platform
English, Spanish, Italian, German, Chinese, Portuguese, Ukrainian, Japanese, Swahili

Features ✨

Knowledge base

About freeCodeCamp ✨

The freeCodeCamp community is a place where people can learn to code for free. It was started by Quincy Larson in 2014 and has become very popular for learning programming. The community includes learners, educators, and contributors who participate in forums, contribute to projects, write articles, and create learning resources. Here are some things that freeCodeCamp offers:

  • Learning Platform: This is a place on their website where you can follow lessons and practice coding. They teach you about web development, including how to use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more.
  • Certifications: After you finish certain sections of the learning platform, you can get certificates. These certificates can help you show that you know how to code when you're looking for a job.
  • Forums: freeCodeCamp has a discussion area where you can ask questions, get help, and talk to other people who are also learning to code.
  • Articles and Guides: There are lots of helpful articles and guides written by the community. These can help you learn more about coding and finding a job in tech.
  • YouTube and Podcasts: freeCodeCamp also has videos and podcasts where they teach coding and talk about technology topics.
  • Events and Local Groups: There are groups all over the world where people who use freeCodeCamp can meet and study together.

Features ✨

Knowledge base

How to join freeCodeCamp ✨

Sign up on the platform

Pricing details ✨
