Features ✨

Knowledge base

About GCUC ✨

GCUC, which stands for Global Coworking Unconference Conference, has become a key player in the coworking industry since it started in 2012. Recognizing the need for continuous connection and access to crucial business information, GCUC has expanded beyond just hosting annual conferences. It now offers a full-year community platform that can be accessed anywhere there's Wi-Fi.

The GCUC Community is designed specifically for those involved in coworking spaces. It provides a wealth of resources that are useful for daily operations. Members can continue connections made at live events and benefit from a wide range of tools available online. This includes a rich library with templates and contracts, discussion channels sorted by topic and region, and full video recordings of past GCUC events. Members also get special deals and discounts that they can pass on to their own clients.

Moreover, GCUC offers monthly online meetings and training sessions that cover important topics like managing real estate and marketing. These sessions aim to help coworking leaders attract and keep members, cut down on costs, and find new ways to make money.

For those who can't attend the conferences in person, GCUC makes sure they don't miss out. They provide video recordings of the events so remote members can still learn and feel part of the community.

GCUC also understands the challenges small businesses face, especially when it comes to providing benefits. That's why they've teamed up with Trinet to offer big discounts on HR services. This partnership helps GCUC members globally, supporting their growth and providing significant benefits at a lower cost.

In short, GCUC is more than just a conference organizer; it's a comprehensive platform that supports learning, growth, and networking, all aimed at helping the global coworking community thrive. Whether it's through attending exciting conferences, participating in online discussions, or using the community's exclusive resources, GCUC is dedicated to enhancing the professional lives of its members.

Features ✨

Knowledge base

How to join GCUC ✨

Purchase a membership

Pricing details ✨

  • Small Workspace Operator
    $240.00 / year
    Perfect for operators with 1-5 locations
  • Large Workspace Operator
    $480.00 / year
    Fit for coworking or flexspace operators with more than 5 locations
  • Industry Partner
    $3,000.00 / year
    Perfect for vendors or consultants looking to tie into the coworking and flexible workspace world