


An open-source platform for building modern, independent, and safe communities

Open source

What is Forem? ✨

Forem is an open-source software for building communities for your peers, customers, fanbases, families, friends, and any other time and space where people need to come together to be part of a collective.

Forem powers DEV Community and other online communities which focus on deep, nuanced discussions. Forems can be public or private, big or small.

What Forem can be used for? ✨

Community builders can use Forem to create and manage interactive, engaged online communities around specific interests, professions, or topics. It is especially well-suited for:

  • Tech Communities: Given its origins with DEV, Forem is adept at serving communities focused on technology, programming, and software development.
  • Educational Groups: It's great for educational communities where members can share resources, tutorials, and learning tips.
  • Hobbyist Groups: Ideal for communities centered around particular hobbies or passions, where members can post projects, discuss techniques, and share experiences.
  • Professional Networks: Suitable for professional networking groups where industry-specific discussions, job postings, and professional development resources can be shared.
  • Support Groups: Can be effectively used for support groups offering a platform for sharing advice, experiences, and encouragement in a structured, moderated environment.

Features ✨

  • Open source

  • Social interactions

  • Customizable UI

  • User profiles

  • Content creation (articles, posts)

  • Moderation tools

  • Notifications

  • Tags & Categories

  • Challenges

  • Member following

  • Responsive design

  • Analytics integration

  • API Access

  • Webhooks support

  • Community support

What are the limitations? ✨

Some certain challenges and limitations may make Forem less suitable for specific types of communities:

  • Technical Setup and Maintenance: Deploying and maintaining a Forem instance requires some technical expertise, which can be a barrier for non-technical community builders.
  • Customization Limitations: Although customizable, there are limits to what can be changed without deep dives into the codebase, potentially restricting unique branding needs or specific functional alterations.
  • Resource Intensity: Running a Forem instance might demand more resources in terms of hosting and maintenance compared to simpler platforms, which could be a concern for budget-conscious communities.
  • Forem is primarily designed for open communities. While it supports some privacy settings, it doesn't naturally cater to entirely private or internal networks where content must be restricted to members only without any public access.
  • Communities primarily focused on direct sales or e-commerce may find Forem lacking specific features like integrated payment systems or advanced product listing capabilities.
  • Organizations looking for a traditional intranet solution might find Forem too outward-facing and needing more business-specific tools like file sharing, detailed access controls, or integration with enterprise software.
  • Communities that are centered around events, like conferences or festivals, might require features more aligned with event management, such as ticketing, scheduling, and live streaming integrations, which Forem does not natively support.

Languages ✨

  • English